789 SW Federal Highway
Suite 201, Stuart, FL, 32994


Child Abuse Cases St. Lucie County Schools Attorney Gloria Seidule Statement

Filing of Three Sexual Abuse Lawsuits on Behalf of three children who allege they were sexually abused at school by a teacher and student.

I have filed three lawsuits against the St Lucie County School District alleging an overall culture of ignoring sexual abuse within the school district, starting with top level administration and filtering down to school principals, directors and teachers,. The allegations in these lawsuits are a result of intensive research of public records from the Department of Education, The Department of Children and Families, the St Lucie County Sheriffs office and the St Lucie County School District itself.

Child Abuse Lawyer Stuart, FL

This research has resulted in lawsuits on behalf of three children and their parents providing startling allegations that school district officials knowingly allowed sexual predators, who are teachers and students, to have access to children in St Lucie County schools with little or no intervention from school officials resulting in horrible sexual abuse of numerous teen aged girls and several developmentally delayed exceptional education students.

A pattern of covering up reports from families and students, handling matters “internally”, failing to notify the appropriate authorities in violation of Florida Law, and failing to take action to remove alleged sexual predators from the classroom has emerged and have been alleged in these lawsuits.

Statistics from the Department of Education compiled from the mandatory reporting of sexual related incidents and crimes indicate a shockingly high number of sexual crimes in the St Lucie county School District as compared to Martin and Indian River Counties. According to these reports, a student in St Lucie County if 5 times more likely to be the victim of a sexually related crime than a student in Martin or Indian River county.

The parents believe their children have been exposed to an unsafe environment in St Lucie schools resulting is permanent harm that could have been prevented. The parents are angry and seek to hold the school district responsible for its actions and in actions. Their goal is to prevent the sexual abuse of any more children attending St Lucie County Schools.

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